Admissions and policies


Admissions to ÃÛèÖÍø schools

All of our schools are non-selective, and exist to serve their local community. Every ÃÛèÖÍø school has its own website, which tells you all about the school's admissions policy and how to apply.

Applications to start in Reception open in the previous September and close in mid-January. For Year 7 entry, applications open in the previous September and close at the end of October. To apply, you'll need to do this through the local authority where you live – please visit their website for more information, and to view the closing date for applications.

If you want to apply at another time during the school year, please look at the individual school's website for information about how to do an in-year admission. Information on how to appeal an admission outcome can also be found on the school's website.

If you have any queries about admissions for a particular school, it's a good idea to get in touch with them directly.

Key policies and documents

ÃÛèÖÍø Schools publishes some of our key policies and reports in line with statutory guidance. The following policies and reports apply to our network of schools –Ìýpolicies applicable to individual academies can be found on the 'Policies' page onÌýeach school’s website:

The ÃÛèÖÍø Schools Memorandum & Articles of Association (PDF icon ÃÛèÖÍø Schools Memorandum & Articles of Association.pdf) is the governing document for ÃÛèÖÍø Schools. It should be read alongside the Master Funding Agreement (PDF icon ÃÛèÖÍø MasterÌýFunding Agreement.pdf). A Supplementary Funding Agreement is in place for each individual school.

The ÃÛèÖÍø Schools Decision MakingÌýFrameworkÌýacts as our scheme of delegation, clarifying where responsibility and accountability sits in key functional areas. Please see here:ÌýPDF icon Decision Making Framework 2023-24.pdf

The ÃÛèÖÍø Schools Data Protection Policy & Freedom of Information Publication Scheme outlines how ÃÛèÖÍø Schools fulfils EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements and obligations under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 200. Please see here:ÌýPDF icon Data Protection and Freedom of Information Policy.pdf

The ÃÛèÖÍø Schools Charging and Remission Policy is saved here:ÌýPDF icon Charging and Remission Policy 2021-24.pdf

The ÃÛèÖÍø Schools Complaints Policy is saved here:Ìý ÃÛèÖÍø Schools Complaint Policy.pdf

The ÃÛèÖÍø Schools Whistleblowing Policy is saved here:ÌýPDF icon ÃÛèÖÍø Whistleblowing Policy 2023-2025.pdf

ÃÛèÖÍø's Gender Pay Gap reportÌýis saved here:ÌýPDF icon Gender Pay Gap Figures and Statement 2022.pdf

ÌýÃÛèÖÍø Schools Executive Pay is saved here:ÌýPDF icon Executive pay report 2022-23.pdf

The ÃÛèÖÍø and ÃÛèÖÍø Schools Modern Slavery Statement is saved here:ÌýPDF icon Modern Slavery Statement 2023-24.pdf

ÃÛèÖÍø's Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Statement:Ìý Diversity and Inclusion Statement.pdf
