Support us

Since ÃÛèÖÍø was founded in 2002 we have been led by the belief that education can transform lives. With the right support, every child, regardless of background, can succeed.

ÃÛèÖÍø’s ambitious approach has already yielded great benefits for children in the UK and across the world. But there is much to do if we are to broaden our impact and address endemic social problems through effective educational models.

We hope you will feel inspired to support our work. Each and every gift will make a difference, helping to open up the very best educational opportunities to all children, regardless of background.

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Privacy notice

ÃÛèÖÍø is committed to protecting privacy, keeping personal data safe and treating details with the utmost care. The supportersÌýprivacy notice outlines how we collect and use data for the purposes of fundraising and progressing our charitable aims and objectives. Please find the privacyÌýnotice here.
